
Get Tested

“I was suffering from a complex set of symptoms prior to taking the Alcat test including stomach pain, headaches, fatigue, difficulty staying asleep and a strange throbbing feeling in my abdomen. I had been tested through ultrasound, CT scan, stool samples, endoscopy and blood work with no discernible results. 

I took the Alcat test because of two personal references who had had success with it. They too had been told there was nothing medically wrong with them but we’re not feeling well and it was affecting their life. Through understanding my food sensitivities and intolerances and avoiding those foods I have been able to overcome all of my symptoms.

– Natalie R. 

San Antonio, TX

“I had extreme IBS, with constant pain and cramping, along with nausea, constipation and excessive gas. My abdominal pain was so severe at one point that I was housebound for over a year–living on water, weak tea, boiled chicken and rice. To make it worse, I had been to multiple doctors and specialists who were well-intended, but didn’t have the slightest idea how to help me.

Since I took the Alcat test and used the diet faithfully for 6 months, my life has totally changed for the better. Let me be clear–my symptoms are still healing, but it’s the difference between day and night for me. For instance, I can now go out to eat in restaurants with friends and go to social events. It was amazing; within 48 hours of getting the test results and starting the diet, I had NO PAIN. I just couldn’t believe it!”

– Lynda A.

Beaux Bridge, LA

“I have a mild ulcerative colitis and my naturopathic doctor recommended for me to take the Alcat test to see if I have any food sensitivity. Before I took the test, I stopped eating gluten and dairy foods as per my naturopathic doctor. However, it didn’t seem to work. 

After the Alcat test, I found out that I have a strong sensitivity reaction on turmeric and scallop. First thing I did to stop eating curry and turmeric or cumin supplement. After 2-3 weeks avoiding the strong food sensitivity, I had no more blood in my stool. It was amazing and I felt so happy for that.”

– Veronica K. 

Aurora, Canada

“I’ve GERD, IBS, eczema, and had a huge problem with allergic reactions to things I could not identify.

This is my third time taking the Alcat test, and I have always found it to be very helpful and a wise investment. Some of the things that came up as high to moderate sensitivities were expected, and others totally shocking. Whoever heard of a person being intolerant or sensitive to chicken and turkey. I typically have those foods for lunch just about every day. Within three weeks, my eczema is all but gone from my lips and elbows, and only two minor outbreaks with the itchy welts. I’ve been able to back off on both prescription and nonprescription medications for my above conditions”

– Laurie R.

Boynton Beach, FL

I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. The medical doctor who had diagnosed me had informed me that my condition had to be treated with Western medication and that it was quite likely that the medications would have to be taken for the rest of my life.I wanted more options and more control over my body. I decided to work with a nutritionist for support and guidance. The recommended dietary changes did initially relieve my symptoms but after a few weeks they returned. Frustrated with the reoccurring pain, bloating, and bleeding, I agreed to take the Alcat Test. The test was simple and yet the results were life changing. Many of the “healthy foods” I was consuming daily were simply not right for my body and were causing inflammation. The list of foods to avoid was long but most importantly, it was a list I could have never come up with myself. Foods like black pepper, red lettuce and pears were making me sick. There were approximately 300 food items on the list. After only 3 days of eating the allowed foods I felt better. The pain, bloating and bleeding had stopped. After the first week, I was back to myself. It has been almost a year and I have not taken one pill. I feel great. I am proof that when the body is given what it needs, it will heal itself.

– Luz

New Jersey

For the past several years I have been experiencing a decline in my overall health – joint and muscle pain, fatigue, headaches, digestive problems, skin rashes, acne and irritation, weakened immune system, rising blood sugar and pressure, and steadily increasing weight regardless of how hard I dieted. I took the Alcat Test on the recommendation of my doctor.

I am 6-weeks into the elimination and rotation and the results have been nothing short of a miracle! I have lost 13 pounds, my skin is clearing up, I sleep well, digest well, feel strong and have a lot of energy. I realize now that I have had food sensitivities all of my adult life – I am only sorry that it has taken this many years to finally get to the cause of my health problems. If I had only known that good health was really so simple to achieve. Thank you!

– Laura
