Good health, and unfortunately poor health, starts in the gut.


If you feel you are currently nourishing your body properly and treating your digestive tract well, but still have digestive complaints or other symptoms that have not been explained,  see your physician to rule out medical conditions.


Identifying food sensitivities may be needed so that you can address potential culprits of poor digestion, resolve them, and begin reaping the health benefits of optimal digestion. Ignoring it will not make it go away. Cell Science Systems offers The Alcat Test for Food and Chemical Sensitivities, the Celiac, IBS, Crohn’s Array (CICA), among others which can help identify pieces to the puzzle. Test, don’t guess!


To speak to a representative call us at 1-855-773-8463 or click here (link to the PreviMedica Contact Us page)

Alcat Test

The Alcat Test may uncover foods and other substances that trigger chronic inflammation and could be culprits for your troublesome symptoms. It measures cellular reactions to over 450 substances. 

Medical studies using the Alcat Test to guide diet have shown significant improvement of many common symptoms.1-3

To date, the Alcat Test has helped over half a million people change their health.

Ready to get tested? Learn more here. 


CICA (Celiac, IBS, & Crohn’s Array)

The Celiac, IBS, and Crohn’s Array (CICA) evaluates your genetic risk for celiac disease and checks for genetic markers associated with Crohn’s disease. It is designed to provide an accurate evaluation of GI tract function by gathering information from various pathways.

Optionally, it can be combined with the Alcat Test to evaluate innate immune cell responses to more than 400 other foods (including gluten, gliadin, casein and whey) and substances for the most comprehensive assessment.

Learn more here.

Cellular Nutrition Assays

Many individuals are exceeding their calorie needs but still not meeting their requirements for essential vitamins and minerals. Nutrient insufficiencies could be affecting your digestion and overall health. 

• The Cellular Micronutrient Assay (CMA) tests for insufficiencies in micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) as well as amino acids, and other nutrients within immune cells. This is a reflection of long-term nutrient status not just a “snapshot” as is seen in serum nutrient tests.

An overload and accumulation of free radicals (from pollution, toxins, medication, radiation, etc) in our bodies can result in oxidative damage which plays a major role in the development of chronic disease, including gastrointestinal issues.

Antioxidants can help protect the cells from oxidative damage.
• The Redox Assay measures the overall antioxidant function of the individual’s immune cells.
• The Antioxidant Protection Assay (APA) identifies specific antioxidants that significantly improve the individual’s antioxidant capacity and protect the cells from oxidative damage.

 Learn more here.

Methyl Detox Profile

The Methyl Detox Profile tests critical genes in the methylation pathway. Five genes are assessed: MTHFR, MTR, MTRR, COMT, and AHCY.

The methylation pathway is the major part of detoxification and the metabolic cycle. More than 50% of people are affected by genetic variations in the methylation pathway. This profile enables you to intelligently use targeted nutritional supplementation based on your methylation genetics. 

Learn more here.

“I was suffering from a complex set of symptoms prior to taking the Alcat test including stomach pain, headaches, fatigue, difficulty staying asleep and a strange throbbing feeling in my abdomen. I had been tested through ultrasound, CT scan, stool samples, endoscopy and blood work with no discernible results. 

I took the Alcat test because of two personal references who had had success with it. They too had been told there was nothing medically wrong with them but we’re not feeling well and it was affecting their life. Through understanding my food sensitivities and intolerances and avoiding those foods I have been able to overcome all of my symptoms.

– Natalie R. 

San Antonio, TX