About Us

Get Tested
Our mission is to empower individuals and their practitioners with personalized, effective, safe, and practical nutrition and lifestyle strategies to manage and prevent chronic disease and promote optimal health.

As scientists, nutrition therapists, and educators, with decades of experience in health and wellness, we are dedicated to equipping you with the “know how and know why” regarding appropriate strategies tailored for you and your unique needs.

 What we do:

  • Targeted laboratory testing
  • Nutrition therapy and education
  • Individualization of meal and supplement plans
  • Customization of practical tools to help implement and sustain health promoting behaviors
  • Practitioner training and continuing education


Test Don’t Guess

Cell Science Systems (CSS), a specialty clinical laboratory, provides state of the art, functional testing  to equip practitioners and their patients with individualized treatment and prevention of chronic disease.   Through our testing as well as tests offered by our partners, Commonwealth Diagnostics International and Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory, patients and practitioners can complete the picture and gain a comprehensive understanding  regarding their gut health and how to improve it.

Are you a practitioner? To learn more about using our tests to help your patients, click here.


PreviMedica, the sister company to Cell Science Systems, provides integrative nutrition and lifestyle guidance to patients and practitioners.  Utilizing your test results conducted by CSS and our partner laboratories, while considering you and all features that make you unique, your dedicated nutritionist tailors a plan  that not only works but is sustainable and practical.

To find out how to get started with a dedicated PreviMedica nutritionist click here.

To find out how to get tested visit us here.