Good Health Starts In The Gut
We tend to think of the digestive tract as just a food processing system. It is much more than that. In fact, more than half of our immune system is located in the intestinal tract.
We’ve been told “you are what you eat.” The truth is, you are actually what you “digest, absorb, and assimilate” because it is not until your food is digested optimally that it actually becomes part of the body.
The gut has many responsibilities- converting food into essential nutrients that can then be absorbed and assimilated, maintaining a balance of microbes, and removing waste. If essential nutrients are not available for whatever reason—poor quality food, digestive dysfunction, microbial imbalance, poor absorption—those metabolic processes can be disrupted. This can have far reaching consequences. So, good health, and unfortunately poor health, does start in the gut.
People struggling with chronic conditions most often have a GI related dysfunction or imbalance. Those with GI disorders most often have other systemic symptoms.
Low energy, muscle aches, arthritis, not sleeping well, inability to concentrate, and migraines among others, have been associated with some disruption in digestion. Dysbiosis, leaky gut syndrome, food sensitivities are all potential culprits that may need to be addressed. This is why we are told to “start with the gut,” when addressing health problems.

- 5R
- Crohn’s/IBD
- NCGS (Non-celiac gluten sensitivity)
- FODMAP Intolerance
- Candida
- Functional GI Testing
When working on gut healing with our clients, we use the 5R approach. Each step is a piece to the puzzle, and along with your input, we can create a nutrition plan that fits your needs and goals. Learn more.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease, more commonly known as GERD, is a condition caused by chronic and prolonged reflux of stomach acid and/or stomach contents into the esophagus, setting off an inflammatory, immune response and irritating the esophageal lining. Learn more.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a gastrointestinal disorder dependent on many factors. Symptoms are caused by changes in gastrointestinal function but not because of structural damage. Learn more.
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is the umbrella term for chronic inflammatory conditions occurring in the digestive tract. Learn more.
NGCS (Non-celiac gluten sensitivity) is a “non-allergic” and non-autoimmune condition in which the consumption of gluten can lead to symptoms similar to those seen in celiac. Learn more.
FODMAP stands for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols. These are a group of carbohydrates that resist digestion and absorption. Learn more.
Candida albicans is a fungus (yeast) that normally inhabits the gut in small amounts. Levels of Candida are kept in check by the good or friendly bacteria in the gut. Learn more.
Certain gastrointestinal symptoms may warrant further testing by your health care practitioner. Learn more.